Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to Dr Kat's Blog!

I am so excited about this new website! I can't wait to see what the next evolution is...

Please check back regularly for new entries.


  1. Yay! Dr Kat! I am so excited to find out that you have a blog! I think it will be a great addition to that new website I keep hearing things about...

    Much love,
    North end Dr. Kat fan club president...

  2. Well Emilyanne, I am honored that you have heard about my new website so quickly, words spreads like wildfire I tell ya ! makes me very proud to be offering a new kind of healthcare to the world.... Transforming the Healthcare Paradigm, you may like to check out my next Wisdom Circle on March 16th.... we've got a great group of people really excited about getting connected to their inner divine wisdom.... This should shake up a few old dusty paradigms too..and thanks for rallying the northend fan club.. Hoopa !.....Thanks for you support Darlin' Much Love and Light, Dr Kat
