How do you feel about your "democratic" government strong-arming legislation to make it a criminal offense if you choose not to be vaccinated with the swine flu vaccine? Don't you think it's odd that such a relative few number of people have actually died from this hyped up over media blitzed vaccine? In a 4 month period, only 700 people worldwide have died from swine flu. In contrast, the old run of the mill flu that mutates into a new strain and goes around every year like clockwork has actually killed 500,000 people. That' s 500,000. And nobody is freaking out. So that makes me wonder why the swine flu is getting so much hype. What benefit could this possibly offer us? We die at a much faster rate and in greater numbers from irresponsibly prescribed poorly researched, ahem, uh, "FDA approved" pharmaceuticals. Is this just a government supported marketing campaign? What's the benefit?
Could it possibly be that by creating hysteria and fear among the masses, they will be led like sheep, or perhaps a herd of swine, to their local grocery store pharmacy for a mandatory vaccine? I encourage you to apply some critical thinking ... start informing yourself ... please, please stop following the herd, whichever herd's dogma you subscribe to. Fear is the opposite of Love, the opposite of Light, the opposite of Trusting your inner guidance. In order to live in Trust, Light and Love ...... we must step out of the fear and think for ourselves. Trust your own Truth receptors, your inner intuitive wisdom.
Perhaps... just perhaps. There is a conspiracy theory here. I know, I know. That bothers some of you. But think about it. Have you watched large corporations and big government? They control the media and they don't really, really do anything just for the good of the people. It's all about money and power. So who is making the money and who is gaining the power you ask? Well, we can speculate. Well researched and utilized by the marketing industry is the idea of subliminal advertising as well as outright fear and "popular belief" campaigns.
If you haven't noticed the US government and their bedfellows in the UK thrive on fear campaigns in an effort to get the common folk to surrender their personal power to the so called powers that be. We will "protect" you is their marketing slogan. That is how the Patriot Act was pushed through at lightning speed, and now, years later we are learning of the human rights atrocities that have been committed in the name of protection. It turns out our "inalienable rights" are becoming alien to your average citizen as the constitution our forefathers wrote, signed and founded this country on hasn't been honored or adhered to in over 50 years if not more. Did you know, the Big Pharma companies were able to attach a rider to the 2006 'Patriot Act' which provides immunity from lawsuits for 'pandemic' vaccines. Hmmm? What a strange 11th hour sneaky rider to add to such a fear based legislative act.
SO PLEASE THINK FOR YOURSELF ! Get informed. Ask questions. You may be interested to read some of the following information below that I have accumulated in my readings on the topic. Food for Thought my friends, not dogma. Just consider, what if the following is actually true ?
1. A Human Consciousness excerpt from
see the full document at the link below:
The Hathors advise:
As we view it, the H1N1 Virus, commonly called the "swine
flu" has been genetically engineered and created. It is not a
natural mutation. It is a conscious attempt by the hidden
forces behind your governments to control and manipulate you.
It is a social experiment, with dire consequences if they
The lies, half-truths and manipulations of information
concerning this virus are very convoluted. But whatever the
outcome, it is clear to us that this was initiated by human
And it is also clear to us that it can only be undone by
human consciousness. Fear of survival is one of the greatest
tactics used to manipulate, and these dark forces shall use
every means at their disposal to ensure that fear increases
over the next several months (much less years).
There are those who will side with fear and insist that
radical actions be taken including, but certainly not limited
to, inoculations. Each of you must make your own decisions
regarding this.
But we must say to you, from our perspective, that we view
these inoculations to be highly suspicious. They are
contaminated. They will not protect. They will, in fact,
damage the health of many, and they contain crude mind
control devices, formulated from a scientific field in its
infancy called "nano technology."
As the fear increases through collective mind control, it is
vital, indeed mandatory, that you transcend this; that you
bypass the misinformation corridors that will be open to you
everywhere you turn through the media, through social
pressure, through possible governmental interactions and
There are ways to guide yourself through and transcend
the fear. The full text of this message is in the link below:
and a short sampling of this guidance is as follows:
One is your ability to attain spiritual insight, or vision,
i.e. to see through the lies that are being projected onto
you. And to see the "right path," even in the greatest
Two is your ability to feel. This is the core of the secrets.
It is your greatest treasure, although it is also your
greatest quandary. Those who wish to control and manipulate
you know that freezing, or paralyzing, your ability to feel
anything but the lower emotional spectrum will serve their
The third aspect is your ability to speak your truth. For
many of you the coming times will demand that you speak your
truth clearly, even when it is diametrically opposed to those
around you.
And the fourth aspect is your ability to take action. These
four aspects are rooted together and are the source of your
Within the nature of your heart is your capacity to feel and
this is the deepest secret of all. For this allows you to
change your vibratory field and this is the key to
transcending collective mind control.
Although it sounds ridiculously simplistic, the essential
truth of these secrets is what you call joy, appreciation and
gratitude. Discover the things in your life, the situations,
the people, your own thoughts and feelings, whatever gives
you a reason for joy, appreciation and gratitude. Cultivate
this like a precious garden in the midst of poisonous weeds,
for then this garden will grow and give you sustenance.
This is a long post, but worth the read.....consider the idea of healing the consciousness of the planet as a solution to our concerns about economy, healthcare, government, military, peace, war and whether or not your "democratic" country is actually free or not.
Speak your Truth / Trust your Inner Guidance / Step out of Fear / Live in Love
Do please take time out to go straight to the source of truth... it is out there for all to see. It's a matter of finding it and recognizing it, which is very difficult.
ReplyDeleteHere is a good start --