Thursday, February 26, 2009

Healing with Unconditional Love

If you had only one tool with which to heal, what would you choose? Ibuprofen, scalpel, talk therapy, milk thistle, green tea or perhaps....... Unconditional Love? They all have their place and time, yet none is a complete therapy nor a cure alone. Clearly with humans as complex as they are, no one tool works for all people when you are dealing with the physical realm of trying to affect change. Unconditional Love , or UCL as I fondly refer to it as is sorely lacking in our world. If it was normal and everyone lived in that place, our planet and its' people would not be at war, in pain, afraid and alone and sick. You see now? UCL is a balm that is whole and complete. Everyone needs it. Knowing you are loved and feeling UCL in your heart and soul can transform an individual, a culture and the Universe into a brighter glowing force. Literally shining light into dark places. Ask yourself now, sit quietly and feel in your soul, "Am I Loved Unconditionally?". What is the answer. You may surprised (or not) to recognize that you don't actually love yourself without condition. If only I were smarter, more worthy, less guilty, shoulda coulda woulda ..... then I would be lovable. Well in that age old Irish wisdom, I say "Malarkey!!" You were created perfect in the eyes of your Creator, whatever name you give that being, perhaps God, or Spirit or Universe...... You are whole and complete, perfect and worthy of UCL, you just FORGOT !! You believed everyone else for so long you forgot. Now it's time to remember ... As your heart and soul to show you what it feels like to feel SAFE. Feel that? Close your eyes and feel it..... Now, ask how it feels to be Loved without Condition. Different isn't it? And GOOD! It's been a long time..... I think it's time you were nicer to yourself..... go on. Act like you are the #1 priority in your life this week and see what happens. You just might like it. Until next time, I want you to know you are a Freakin' Rock Star my Friend !! And I Love You. Wishing you Quantum Light, Dr. Kat

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heatlhcare Snafu

What is wrong with Healthcare you say? Wow, well where do I start? It is one more system that needs an integrity infusion and some clear headed remodeling. The key to the remodel is in PERSONALIZED HEALTHCARE, each person is an individual and just doesn't fit a cookie cutter model. Each person needs unique attention to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual matters. Imbalances in these 4 main areas of our beingness is what creates symptoms which are just signs, not diseases in and of themselves. So the key is to treat the whole person, not the pieces parts and symptoms. A headache is not caused by an aspirin deficiency for instance. The headache is a symptom of some type of off-center issue, causes can be wide and varied, depending on the INDIVIDUAL. I had a disheartening phone call with a friend today who received some life changing news on the telephone from her doctor's office. She was shocked, floored, devastated and alone with her children. I ask now, where is the Compassion !!?? It's pitiful that a patient is just another phone call on a list to check off for the day. This kind of information should be presented during an office visit and explained, knowing full well the patient will need emotional support. For God's sake people. THINK. My heart goes out to all who struggle with this current healthcare system...... clearly I am preaching to the choir here as you have already found your way to QuantumLIghtHealthcare where my mission is Transforming the Healthcare Paradigm...... There is my soapbox du jour. Much Love and Light, Dr Kat

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Groovy Kind of Healing Love

Aaaaaaah, How Sweet !! Just when you got tired of looking at the crazy events around the world, here two little kids warm our hearts and show us how true healing occurs through Love. Check out this link and the sweet 9 year old soulmates .... or for those of vernacular afficianado tendencies, go learn the meaning of conjugial. Cuz folks this sure seems conjugial to me.....

Sesame street word of the day link to Conjugial literature:

XOXO, Dr Kat

Groovy New Therapy

I am amazed continually these last few weeks at the powerful healing occuring with this new therapeutic treatment I have been using. It is an Amethyst Crystal Healing Bed and I am using in combination with my Intuitive Quantum Energy Healing treatments and also my Madre Madeira Healing Remedies.......which I create and customize for each patient during the visit. WOW! Lots of great healing going on ... I can't take credit, people come ready for change and I work with their angels and guides to bring them into communication with their healing potential. I am humbled to witness the transormations occurring before my very eyes !! I'll keep you posted as things progress, for now, wheeeew. too cool. Hope your day was spectacular !
Much Love and Light, Dr Kat

Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to Dr Kat's Blog!

I am so excited about this new website! I can't wait to see what the next evolution is...

Please check back regularly for new entries.